Ansedel Margaret L Nicklason Barco


Född 1918-06-19 i Pierce County (Pierce), Washington, USA 1 .
Död 2005-11-28 i Santa Clara County (Santa Clara), California, USA 1 .
Margaret L Nicklason Barco
Född 1918-06-19 i Pierce County (Pierce), Washington, USA 1 .
Död 2005-11-28 i Santa Clara County (Santa Clara), California, USA 1 .
F Peter Alexander Nicklason.
Född 1884-06-13 i Jemsö, Hammarby (K) 2 .
Död 1939-02-02 i Dupont, Pierce, Washington, USA 3 .

M Ida Margareta Nicklasson f Bergström Beystrom.
Född 1890-06-15 i Skön (Y) 4 .
Död 1972-02.. i Lakewood, Pierce County (Pierce), Washington 1 .

MF Johan Albin Bergström Beystrom.
Född 1861-11-14 i Härnösand (Y) 5 .
Död 1934-08-23 i Tacoma, Washington, USA 6 .
Dräng i Getberg, Ullånger (Y) 7 .

MFF Johan Bergström.
Född 1831-04-22 i Öden, Ullånger (Y) 8 .
Död 1866-05-28 i Härnösand (Y) 9 .

MFM Brita Magda Näslen.
Född 1831-02-02 i Näs, Säbrå (Y) 10 .
Död 1867-05-04 i Härnösand (Y) 11 .

MM Greta Bergström Beystrom f Eklund.
Född 1861-06-08 i Vibyggerå (Y).
Död 1934-08-08 i Tacoma, Washington, USA.



Född 1918-06-19 i Pierce County (Pierce), Washington, USA 1 .
Död 2005-11-28 i Santa Clara County (Santa Clara), California, USA 1 .
Margaret Louise "Nickie" Nicklason Barco, a long-time resident of Saratoga and a gifted artist, died Nov. 28 at Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara Medical Center from complications of a broken hip. Born June 19, 1918 in Tacoma, Washington, she was the daughter of Swedish immigrants Ida Margaret Bergstrom and Peter Alexander Nicklason.Margaret was the loving and much-loved mother of Louise Barco Allrich of San Francisco and Kathleen Barco of Saratoga, and proud grandmother of Sarah Louise Barco de Tuboly, Louis Nicholas Barco de Tuboly, and Elena Margaret Barco. She is survived also by her brother, William Nicklason of Boise, Idaho; sister, Mary Ellen Grover of Hoquiam, Washington; brother-in-law, Barney Martin Barco of Melbourne, Florida; and numerous nieces, nephews and cherished friends.Margaret met and fell in love with Ernest Terrill Barco, Jr., when he was a young Army lieutenant stationed at Ft. Lewis, next to her hometown of DuPont, Washington. Their marriage began as WWII was starting and lasted 56 years, until Terrill's death in 1997.As a military wife, Margaret lived in many places around the United States and Asia as Terrill pursued his military career. They settled permanently in Saratoga with their daughters when he retired in 1962. A talented and versatile artist, she was an accomplished painter, sculptor, jeweler, seamstress and ceramicist. As a young woman she studied to be a classical pianist and was offered a music scholarship to college, but instead studied fashion design.After her younger child went to college, Margaret worked for 10 years for the County of Santa Clara Juvenile Probation Department, where she made many dear and close friends with whom she had lunch once a month up to the time of her death. She maintained a keen interest in current affairs all her life, and as the wife of a military officer, she took close notice of the sacrifices of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.A celebration of Margaret's life will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 13601 Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga on Wednesday, December 7 at 4:00 p.m. Margaret will be interred in a private ceremony next to her husband at the Presidio San Francisco National Cemetery.


Relationer och barn

Gift 1941-01-18 i Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA 12 .
Ernest Terrill Barco. Född 1917-05-02 i Albay, Luzone, Filippinerna 13 .
Död 1997-10-12 i Santa Clara, Calefonia, USA 13 .
  1. Find A Grave
  2. Jämjö (K) AIIa:1 (1896-1910) Bild 1770 / sid 161
  3. Washington, Dödsfallsbevis, 1907-1960
  4. Emibas
  5. Ullånger A1:10 Husförhör 1874-1883 p 50/231
  6. Washington, Deaths, 1883-1960
  7. 2095.22.43100
  8. Ullånger A1:7, Husförhör, 1844-1855 p 58/251
  9. Härnösands domkyrkoförsamling FI:2 Döda 1861-1886 AD Bild 34 / sid 31
  10. Härnösands domkyrkoförsamling AIa:14b HFL 1862-1871 Bild 170 / sid 161
  11. Härnösand Döda FI:2 1861-1886 AD Bild 39 / sid 36
  12. Oklahoma, vigslar, 1890-1995
  13. California Death Index 1940-1997

Framställd 2025-01-09 av Lars Olsson med hjälp av Disgen version 2023.